Shocking Reasons Why Men Hire Prostitutes
There are many reasons why men might hire prostitutes. Some might do it for sexual gratification, while others may be looking for a more emotional connection. Whatever the reason, there’s no doubt that hiring a prostitute is a risky decision. Below, we will explore some of the most shocking reasons why men choose to go to prostitutes. You may be surprised by some of them.
They want to indulge in different fantasies
As you might expect, many brothel patrons visit these areas to indulge in fantasies that they otherwise wouldn’t. Some feel that their fantasies would lead to rejection or judgement from prospective partners. Others simply refuse to share their fantasies with partners or random hook-ups.
As a result, they indulge in these fantasies only behind closed doors with the prostitutes of their choice. It’s a convenient way to deal with hush-hush problems as well. Whether the reason for this is a fear of social stigma or a twisted need for secret enjoyment isn’t always clear, but it’s fascinating to think about.
They are looking for an adventure
It’s a tale as old as time. Men tend to want to feel more on the adventurous side whenever they partake in carnal activities. For a lot of brothel patrons and John’s, the very act of hiring a prostitute is quite the adventure. Others look for women on escort forums directly. After all, it’s not exactly the most common way to approach sexual relationships. Few will discuss their visit to a brothel during a noon brunch.
The secretive and seductive nature of the business can seem like an adventure on its own, even when you take out the fantasies and acts themselves. However, it’s possible that it’s a combination of all these things that these men find to be adventurous.
They want quick sex
It’s not exactly a secret that hiring a prostitute can provide a high level of convenience in a sexual sense. Not only do you know exactly when you’re going when you schedule, but you can choose an exact date and time that suits you. Depending on the establishment and your location, you might be able to do it almost immediately.
For many men, the prospect of receiving sexual favours as soon as they want them is interesting, to say the least. There are lots of business-people that visit brothels for a quick stop while they go between cities and meetings. It’s an unusual way to approach sex, but it’s definitely convenient.
They want to feel in control
It should come as no surprise that lots of men visit prostitutes so that they can feel in control. However, the way that they want to feel in control may vary from man to man. Some like to be able to ask for exactly what they want and get it—No questions asked. Others, on the other hand, feel that they can only be open with their desires in these sorts of situations.
Many Australian men that hire prostitutes admit that they aren’t as open when voicing desires in their relationships as they are with prostitutes. It’s one of the many reasons they visit professional Sydney brothels every once in a while. Depending on how you see it, they might be taking control or relinquishing it when they visit these establishments.
They want to avoid a relationship
One of the most common stereotypes for men who visit prostitutes and escorts online is that they want to avoid all the complications of a relationship and only indulge in pure sex. While this may be a stereotype, it happens to be true for a lot of Australian men! Some just want to cut right to the chase without getting into anything serious.
What this means for their perspective on sex can be interpreted in many different ways. Do these men consider the other aspects of a relationship to be a chore or deception on their part? Is there a fear of intimacy of some sort? It varies from patron to patron, but the sentiment that they echo is similar.
Men visiting brothels is far from shocking, but the reasons why they do it can be. There are lots of factors at play that motivate brothel patrons to visit their favourite establishments on a semi-regular basis. Whether these reasons carry negative connotations with them or not isn’t always clear, but one thing is—There will always be a market for sex that sells.